
Partnering Opportunities

Our strength comes from the expertise and resources of our partners.

SynbiCITE’s success is highly dependent on its wide range of academic, supporting and industrial partners – including our large corporate partners and our network of innovative small-to-medium-sized companies. Our collaborations aim to advance and commercialize synthetic biology research, identify routes to market and develop core skills. These relationships are strong and mutually beneficial – some are built on close connections nurtured over many years while others are just beginning. If you would like to know more about opportunities to partner with SynbiCITE please contact us.

All our partners are invited to scientific and brokerage meetings, and kept informed about grant opportunities. Our partners also benefit from access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, including the London DNA Foundry, our automated DNA synthesis and construction facility.

Our partners can draw upon the expertise of our extensive international network in synthetic biology in both industry and academia. We have academic and commercial links with partners across the globe, and particularly strong links in the United States, Europe and Singapore.

Why not partner with us? Contact us for more information.